Centenary Fundraising Campaign

Kingston College Old Boys’ Association (Toronto Chapter)

In the Fall of 2023, Kingston College (“KC”) launched a “Never Yielding” centenary campaign to raise J$1 Billion to maintain and enhance the school’s rank as one of the
region’s preeminent secondary educational institutions.

As we march towards the 100th year of KC educating and developing youth into caliber young men and contributing citizens of Jamaica, and/or wherever life takes them after KC, we’ve set for ourselves, the Toronto Chapter, a goal of raising $100,000.00, to contribute towards one or more of the five (5) legacy projects the KC Centenary Steering Committee has identified being 1. Constructing an Auditorium at the North Street campus; 2. Completing Douglas Forrest Building; 3. Acquiring lands for planned campus expansions: 4. Solarization of both campuses; and 5. Constructing a Well at Melbourne campus.

As part of our fundraising initiatives for this significant milestone, we’re asking each Old Boy residing in Canada to make a contribution of $99.00 this year (2024) and $100.00 next year (2025) to bring us closer to our goal. We’ll also be asking those who can give a little more to do so, and, to that end, we’ll be launching a major donor campaign to seek out and obtain commitments from such persons – stay tuned.

In addition, as part of our 2025 celebrations, we’ll be enhancing our four (4) primary fundraising events, being, our Spring Dance, which will be a Boat Party next year, our Golf Tournament – we’re planning to make it an opportunity for novice and seasoned golfers a like to learn more about the game and, hence, encourage greater participation, our Fortis 5K Walk-A-Thon, which we’ll be expanding to invite other likeminded individuals/organizations to participate as well, and as the finale, our annual Gala, which will a strict purple tie affair.

Please help us achieve our goal by giving what you can and coming out to support our events. Thank you to the entire Fortis family for your kind support and generosity!

Fortis Now, Fortis Then, Fortis Forever
Richard R. Housen
President, KCOBA (Toronto)


Box 55278, Scarborough Town Centre P.O.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M1P 4Z7